EWS Simplex & Duplex Water Softeners
ll pressure vessels are CE PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) certified, which is the basic requirement for the EU market. Each vessel is manufactured using a thermoplastic moulded inner
liner and composite wound fiberglass outer liner to produce a pressure vessel with outstanding performance and durability, ensuring a long cycle life and low maintenance cost. They are light
weight and easy to both handle and install. They also comply to all drinkable water requirements.
The vessels are seamless, corrosion-free and non-metallic, suitable for virtually all applications. Unlike steel tanks that deteriorate over time. Composite fiberglass pressure vessels provide
outstanding performance and durability. These high strength, light-weight vessels are 100% corrosion free and will not alter water’s quality. Weighing about 50% less than steel,
composite vessels are easier to handle, require less labour at installation and are virtually maintenance free.